Terrace Houses

Estate Planning

Estate planning is preparing a plan of action for transferring your assets to your beneficiaries or next of kin. This can allow you to pass over more of your estate by transferring assets in a tax-efficient manner. Tax treatment depends on an individual’s circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.

How do you start estate planning?

When deciding where you’d like your assets to go when you die and how you want your estate to be managed, you’ll want to consider:

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Make a will

Green Olive are passionate about protecting your assets for your loved ones. The easiest way to do this is to draft a will to ensure that once you’re gone, your wishes are kept alive. Benefits of writing a will are:

Visit Legacy financial for more information.

Consider a lasting power of attorney

There are two types of LPA. The first one deals with Property and Financial Affairs. This allows your loved ones to deal with paying your bills, buying and selling your property and managing your bank accounts and investments. The second deals with Health and Welfare and covers decisions about health and care and even deciding where you are to live. This can only be used if someone is incapable of dealing with such matters themselves. 

Most people think that setting these up at an early age means that they loose capacity to deal with their own affairs at an early age too but the reality is that by the time you are ready to accept this needs putting in place it could be too late.

Speak to a member of the team and they can talk you the process step by step and answer any questions you may have.

hands filling in form

Benefits of Using an Advisor

Peace of mind that you have everything covered for your family.

Green Olive Mortgage Solutions is a trading name of Legacy Financial Ltd which is registered with the Data Protection Act 1998 registration No. ZB296693 and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 967041 an Appointed Representative of TMG Direct Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number: 786245 and registered with the Data Protection Act 1998 Registration No: ZA178200.Think carefully before securing debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it. The guidance and/or advice contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK.